Sometimes, in spite of my age, I wonder about what cars I’d buy when I grow up. Money and reality being no object, obviously. Invariably, I get through a whole bunch of hardcore sports cars first. But after those, right after in fact, often comes the Bentley Continental GT. It just bridges the gap between two car worlds so very nearly.

If you want the best of anything technological, it often pays to not rush things. Sure, it’s nice to be among the first people to have a brand new model, but usually you’ve got to wait a little bit before the best versions of a car to hit the market. Unlike many car brands though, Bentley launched the Continental GT with the top spec 6 litre W12 engine first, with a smaller and cheaper V8 appearing quite a bit later. This made a certain kind of sense however, as in this rarified segment of the luxury car market the appeal of getting 12 cylinders is still considerable. V12 engines are well on their way to becoming extinct, with only some of the rarest and most exclusive cars still being built with one. But that’s not to say that bigger is always better. In fact, I think I’ve argued previously that in the case of the Continental GT, it actually wasn’t.