It’s easy to be critical of cars like the Lamborghini Urus. It’s big, heavy, immensely powerful and also the price of a pretty decent apartment. Does the world really need cars like these? Rather than have that philosophical discussion, Lamborghini had a better idea. They sent a bunch of us (rather spoiled) journalists to Karelia to find out just how much they could make us want an Urus.

Before we set off towards Karelia and its natural beauty though, we first had a little visit to the brand spanking new Igora Drive racetrack. I had already had the pleasure of driving it the week before as part of a racing series I take part in, so I already knew that it was essentially the best racetrack in Russia. Even so, I didn’t mind having another couple of laps of it in an Urus shod with Pirelli P Zero Corsa tires. The superb Vasin driving school was on hand to pilot the lead cars and make sure we didn’t do anything too silly. After all, we would be using the exact same cars for the upcoming road trip further north.